Students » Scholarships



Many students use assistance in paying for college through obtaining scholarships, grants and financial aid. The Lake Shore Compact has compiled a list of financial resources to help students find money that will help them with their future goals and afford higher education. Be aware of scholarship scams:  SAFETY.COM


Naviance is a comprehensive college and career readiness solution that helps districts and schools align student strengths and interests to postsecondary goals, improving student outcomes and connecting learning to life. Article: Three Ways Schools Can Help Lower-Income Students Plan for College:

The Ohio Association for Career and Technical Education is the only state-wide, professional organization for all career-technical and adult educators and supporters:

Mentor Teacher's Association is offering $1000 scholarship to a Mentor High School student:

Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C) is proud to continue fostering academic excellence with the Tech Prep Scholarship Program for recent Tech Prep high school graduates:

The Andy Nowacki Memorial Scholarship Fund (Fire/Criminal Justice/Medical):

CT Consultants provides two minority scholarships, the Edwin B. Hogan Memorial Scholarship and the Ohio Minority Engineering Student Scholarship Program (OMESSP):

Mentor High School Class of 1976 Career Technical Education Scholarships:
The Class of 1976 CTE Scholarships are designed for students who will be seeking additional CTE/Trade/Apprenticeship education following graduation from Mentor High School. They are open to graduating Mentor High School students, enrolled in a CTE program. One of the scholarships is specifically for Allied Health/Nursing.  The Annette Penley Nursing and Allied Health Scholarship Application Form: Class of 1976 Annette Penley Nursing and Allied Health Scholarship   The CTE Scholarship Application Form is here:  Class of 1976 CTE Trade Scholarship Application

A comprehensive list of Ohio Scholarships: